Sdfsdf Mac OS

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  1. Mac Os Versions
  2. Mac Os Mojave

'JWebUnit is a Java-based testing framework for web applications. It wraps existing testing frameworks such as HtmlUnit and Selenium with a unified, simple testing interface to allow you to quickly test the correctness of your web applications.' As illustrated from the diagram below, JWebUnit framework consists of Junit ( TestCase), JWebUnit core(WebTestCase). The framework is a 'headless' browser, meaning that the framework communicates with HTTP/HTTPS and renders content without styles and images to make it readable to humans.

Creating JWebUnit Project

IOS 12 and below has a quirk that does not exist in Mac OS. The quirk is that the volume property of an Audio element cannot be successfully set to any value other than 1. This is because Apple does not allow volume changes on the Audio element for iOS devices, but does for Mac OS. That quirk can be used as the final fallback method for. HP Pavalion CS4838ND Mac OS sojab0on0005 replied to sojab0on0005 's topic in New Users Lounge tried this it detects the speakers but no audio output coming from them ALC295 Layout 3 trying layout 24 as shown in the ALC295 config on GitHub still no audio from speakers at the point of giving up.

To create a JWebUnit test in eclipse on the Mac OS, we need to do the following.

Sdfsdf Mac OS
  1. Create a maven project in eclipse (called 'myjwebunit.testwork' for example. Following the naming conventions for a project name which should be lowercase)
  2. Open the POM file and update Junit version and add jwebunit-core (net.sourceforge.jwebunit.junit.JWebUnit)
  3. Create a new Junit Test
  4. sdfsf
  5. sdfsdf

Maven & Update POM file

Maven is a build automation tool typically used for Java projects. Maven uses an XML file Project Object Model file (POM) to describe the software project being built, its dependencies on other external modules and components, the build order, directories, and required plug-ins. It comes with pre-defined targets for performing certain well-defined tasks such as compilation of code and its packaging. Maven dynamically downloads Java libraries and Maven plug-ins from one or more repositories such as the Maven2 Central Repository. (Recommended Link – Maven: The Complete Reference)

Below is a sample POM file which has the project dependancies required to setup a JWebUnit test in eclipse on Mac OS. Update the Junit version to 4.10 or the lates. Shown in green in the sample below.

Next go to the site and search for 'net.sourceforge.jwebunit.junit.JWebUnit' and copy the maven POM into the project POM file as shown below in red.

Next we need to add the TestingEngineRegistry dependancy which you may copy from net.sourceforge.jwebunit.util.TestingEngineRegistry

Create Junit Test

Now create a new Junit test with the naming following junit convention. (The name should end with 'Test'.)

Now we can import the following;

  1. import static org.junit;
  2. import net.sourceforge.jwebunit.junit.JWebUnit;

Next we should understand the use of the two imports as declared above.

  1. The import of org.junit.* – We should not forget that the namespace (org.junit) is just the same as a directory, so this tells us that the classes in directory org and sub-directory junit should be imported. This will make all these classes in the junit java doc available.
  2. The import of net.sourceforge.jwebunit.junit.JWebUnit.* – Tells us that all classes in the JWebUnit sub-directory will also be available.


Now we need to add the TestingEngineRegistry. to our test. The TestEngineRegistry is where object of the Test Engine is defined. This will allow for the test to use either, slenium or htmlunit.


Now we will create public void method and annotate it as @Before. @Before is a junit annotation instructing that the method assigned to it is runed before the main test method.

The method should specify any objects which may be needed before a test can be executed. Include setting-up the location where our AUT will be located. This is done by 'setBaseUrl'. (Recommended – Link An early look at JUnit 4)

This will give us the code below

When testing make sure that all elements which goes to give end-user the perfect user experience should be a target for verification. With this in mind, things such as the correct response code from a request should be verified. When a response code is not 200 (OK) then any following testing will be useless to even execute. JWebUnit has a method assertResponseCode(int status) which can be used to verify the response code 200.

The HTTP Header Response

From the headers above we can also check for the Set-Cookie values. The Set-Cookie is a response from the server to instruct the client to store cookies. This cookiw will be requested from the client on any future request to the server. Below is the code to verify the cookie within the response header. We will use the Assert.assertEquals from junit to do the verification.

The Page Source of AUT

What we will verify

The purpose of test automation is to have the ability to verify repetitively elements and behaviour.

  1. A specific software attribute, element is constantly present and available irrespective of operating environment, verification is need to make sure they are presented correctly and consistently.
  2. A Software behave expectedly give a specific business process is performed irrespective of operating environment.

We can now proceed with the main test method, this method will also have annotation to indicate that the objects of the method should be runed as part of the @Test.

To write the test method, we should have some idea of what we want to test. The AUT is the login screen of the '' page. The scenario below will give us an outline of what needs to be tested. To do this we will us the Given-When-Then method.

This will translate into the following code

Making JWebUnit work with proxy

Many times you will find that the AUT is outside a proxy within the location of your project. When faced with this issue, you can set System.setProperty() as part of your @Before method to configure the proxy. Below is an example of the configuration required for http proxy. (Recommended – Link

Making JWebUnit work with HTTPS

There will be times also when the AUT will have to communicate over secure protocol. This will mean the HTTP will have to use certificates. In this case we will again use the System.setProperty method to define the location of our certificates. When using certificates we can not just specify a certificate, what we need to do is first a keystore and then create a trustkey. I use the Keystore Plug-In for eclipse to accomplish this taks. (Recommended Link – SSL Certificates Howto )

Improving the validation in our test


Titles of the page should be verified. For the AUT the title is as shown below. Based on this we there are some methods which we may use to carry out the verification that the, firstly the Tag is present and secondly that the string '<span> › Log In</span>' is indeed present.</p><p><span>The methods </span>assertTitleEquals(String title)<span> can be used to achieve this. This method Assert title of current html page in conversation will be matches an expected value.</span></p><h3>Links</h3><p>We need to verify the links on the AUT. For this we will assume a link to be any href tag including images.</p><ol><li>Verify that all links have the expected text. – This will be done with <strong><em>assertLinkPresentWithExactText()</em></strong></li><li>Verify link have the correct target (<em><strong>href</strong></em>)- This will be done with the <em><strong>getElementAttributeByXPath()</strong></em>.</li><li>Making sure target page are available and are the correct target page.</li><li>The logo should redirect user to the home page when clicked. We also need to check the link have the correct text.</li></ol><h3>Verify Text Link</h3><h3>Verify that links have correct href</h3><p>Hi -</p><p><br /></p><p>I am about to do a fresh install of High Sierra on a new SSD. I plan to keep my external hard drives that I use for backups formatted as Mac OS Journaled.</p><p><br /></p><p>From what I have been told there is an option during the install process of High Sierra to override the default formatting of APFS to Mac OS Journaled. </p><p><br /></p><p>I was curious if many folks have been doing this, particularly those that are keeping external drives formatted as Mac OS Journaled as well as if there was any feedback on the pro/con side for taking this approach.</p><p><br /></p><p>Thanks</p><h3 id='mac-os-versions'>Mac Os Versions</h3>

Sdfsdf mac os 11
  1. Create a maven project in eclipse (called 'myjwebunit.testwork' for example. Following the naming conventions for a project name which should be lowercase)
  2. Open the POM file and update Junit version and add jwebunit-core (net.sourceforge.jwebunit.junit.JWebUnit)
  3. Create a new Junit Test
  4. sdfsf
  5. sdfsdf

Maven & Update POM file

Maven is a build automation tool typically used for Java projects. Maven uses an XML file Project Object Model file (POM) to describe the software project being built, its dependencies on other external modules and components, the build order, directories, and required plug-ins. It comes with pre-defined targets for performing certain well-defined tasks such as compilation of code and its packaging. Maven dynamically downloads Java libraries and Maven plug-ins from one or more repositories such as the Maven2 Central Repository. (Recommended Link – Maven: The Complete Reference)

Below is a sample POM file which has the project dependancies required to setup a JWebUnit test in eclipse on Mac OS. Update the Junit version to 4.10 or the lates. Shown in green in the sample below.

Next go to the site and search for 'net.sourceforge.jwebunit.junit.JWebUnit' and copy the maven POM into the project POM file as shown below in red.

Next we need to add the TestingEngineRegistry dependancy which you may copy from net.sourceforge.jwebunit.util.TestingEngineRegistry

Create Junit Test

Now create a new Junit test with the naming following junit convention. (The name should end with 'Test'.)

Now we can import the following;

  1. import static org.junit;
  2. import net.sourceforge.jwebunit.junit.JWebUnit;

Next we should understand the use of the two imports as declared above.

  1. The import of org.junit.* – We should not forget that the namespace (org.junit) is just the same as a directory, so this tells us that the classes in directory org and sub-directory junit should be imported. This will make all these classes in the junit java doc available.
  2. The import of net.sourceforge.jwebunit.junit.JWebUnit.* – Tells us that all classes in the JWebUnit sub-directory will also be available.


Now we need to add the TestingEngineRegistry. to our test. The TestEngineRegistry is where object of the Test Engine is defined. This will allow for the test to use either, slenium or htmlunit.


Now we will create public void method and annotate it as @Before. @Before is a junit annotation instructing that the method assigned to it is runed before the main test method.

The method should specify any objects which may be needed before a test can be executed. Include setting-up the location where our AUT will be located. This is done by 'setBaseUrl'. (Recommended – Link An early look at JUnit 4)

This will give us the code below

When testing make sure that all elements which goes to give end-user the perfect user experience should be a target for verification. With this in mind, things such as the correct response code from a request should be verified. When a response code is not 200 (OK) then any following testing will be useless to even execute. JWebUnit has a method assertResponseCode(int status) which can be used to verify the response code 200.

The HTTP Header Response

From the headers above we can also check for the Set-Cookie values. The Set-Cookie is a response from the server to instruct the client to store cookies. This cookiw will be requested from the client on any future request to the server. Below is the code to verify the cookie within the response header. We will use the Assert.assertEquals from junit to do the verification.

The Page Source of AUT

What we will verify

The purpose of test automation is to have the ability to verify repetitively elements and behaviour.

  1. A specific software attribute, element is constantly present and available irrespective of operating environment, verification is need to make sure they are presented correctly and consistently.
  2. A Software behave expectedly give a specific business process is performed irrespective of operating environment.

We can now proceed with the main test method, this method will also have annotation to indicate that the objects of the method should be runed as part of the @Test.

To write the test method, we should have some idea of what we want to test. The AUT is the login screen of the '' page. The scenario below will give us an outline of what needs to be tested. To do this we will us the Given-When-Then method.

This will translate into the following code

Making JWebUnit work with proxy

Many times you will find that the AUT is outside a proxy within the location of your project. When faced with this issue, you can set System.setProperty() as part of your @Before method to configure the proxy. Below is an example of the configuration required for http proxy. (Recommended – Link

Making JWebUnit work with HTTPS

There will be times also when the AUT will have to communicate over secure protocol. This will mean the HTTP will have to use certificates. In this case we will again use the System.setProperty method to define the location of our certificates. When using certificates we can not just specify a certificate, what we need to do is first a keystore and then create a trustkey. I use the Keystore Plug-In for eclipse to accomplish this taks. (Recommended Link – SSL Certificates Howto )

Improving the validation in our test


Titles of the page should be verified. For the AUT the title is as shown below. Based on this we there are some methods which we may use to carry out the verification that the, firstly the Tag is present and secondly that the string '<span> › Log In</span>' is indeed present.</p><p><span>The methods </span>assertTitleEquals(String title)<span> can be used to achieve this. This method Assert title of current html page in conversation will be matches an expected value.</span></p><h3>Links</h3><p>We need to verify the links on the AUT. For this we will assume a link to be any href tag including images.</p><ol><li>Verify that all links have the expected text. – This will be done with <strong><em>assertLinkPresentWithExactText()</em></strong></li><li>Verify link have the correct target (<em><strong>href</strong></em>)- This will be done with the <em><strong>getElementAttributeByXPath()</strong></em>.</li><li>Making sure target page are available and are the correct target page.</li><li>The logo should redirect user to the home page when clicked. We also need to check the link have the correct text.</li></ol><h3>Verify Text Link</h3><h3>Verify that links have correct href</h3><p>Hi -</p><p><br /></p><p>I am about to do a fresh install of High Sierra on a new SSD. I plan to keep my external hard drives that I use for backups formatted as Mac OS Journaled.</p><p><br /></p><p>From what I have been told there is an option during the install process of High Sierra to override the default formatting of APFS to Mac OS Journaled. </p><p><br /></p><p>I was curious if many folks have been doing this, particularly those that are keeping external drives formatted as Mac OS Journaled as well as if there was any feedback on the pro/con side for taking this approach.</p><p><br /></p><p>Thanks</p><h3 id='mac-os-versions'>Mac Os Versions</h3><img src='' alt='Sdfsdf mac os 11' title='Sdfsdf mac os 11' /><p> MacBook Pro, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.2) </p><h3 id='mac-os-mojave'>Mac Os Mojave</h3><p> Posted on Nov 27, 2017 6:05 AM </p><br><br><br><br>

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