Anicon - Animal Complex - Cat's Path Mac OS

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  1. Anicon - Animal Complex - Cat's Path Mac Os Catalina
  2. Anicon - Animal Complex - Cat's Path Mac Os Version
  3. Anicon - Animal Complex - Cat's Path Mac Os 7
  4. Anicon - Animal Complex - Cat's Path Mac Os Pro
  • A list of products on Steam: Choose Your Own Adventure.
  • The opening movie for Anicon - Animal Complex - Rabbit's Path, a romance, comedy Visual Novel. For more information:


āAnte (before)
A-Not eating
AAAffected area
AADAntibiotic-associated diarrhea
AAFCOAmerican Association of Feed Control Officials
AAFPAmerican Association of Feline Practitioners
AAHAAmerican Animal Hospital Association
AAHCAustralian Animal Health Council
AAVCAmerican Association of Veterinary Clinicians
Feline blood group
abc or abxAntibiotics
ABGArterial blood gas
ABVPAmerican Board of Veterinary Practitioners
ac, ACAnte cibum (before a meal)
Activated charcoal
ACEAngiotensin-converting enzyme
ACECAnimal Care and Ethics Committee
ACLAnterior cruciate ligament
ACSAltered conscious state
ACTActivated clotting time (blood test)
ACTHAdrenocorticotropic hormone
ACVAcyclovir (antiviral drug)
ad., ADAuris dexter (right ear)
ADAcute distress
ADHAntidiuretic hormone
Adrenal-dependent hyperadrenocorticism
ad libAs much as desired
ADRAdverse drug reaction
AFAtrial fibrillation
A:GAlbumin globulin ratio
ag, AgAntigen
AGNAcute glomerulonephritis
a.h.Alternis horis (every other hour)
AHTAnimal health technician
AIArtificial insemination
AIHAAutoimmune hemolytic anemia
AIWAll is well
AKIAcute kidney injury
ALDApproximate lethal dose
ALPAlkaline phosphatase
ALSAdvanced life support
ALTAlanine transaminase
altern. d.Alterno die (every other day)
AMAAgainst medical advice
AMLAcute myeloid leukemia
ANAAntinuclear antibody
AORAt the owner's request
APTTActivated partial thromboplastin time
aqWater (aqua)
ARFAcute renal failure
as, ASAuris sinister (left ear)
ASAVAAustralian Small Animal Veterinary Association
ASPCAAmerican Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
ASTAspartate aminotransferase
ATEAortic thromboembolism
Adenosine triphosphate
ATTat this time
au. AUAuris utraque (both ears)
aurist.Auristillae (ear drops)
AUSCAnte (before)
AVAAustralian Veterinary Association
AVSSAfebrile, vital signs stable
A&WAlive and well
AXRAbdominal x-ray

Clena, your normal everyday girl, finds herself in front of a circus filled with lovely animals. However, she quickly discovers.


B&ABright and alert
BABile acids
BAERBrain stem auditory evoked responses
Bronchoalveolar lavage
BARBright, alert and responsive
BARHBright, alert, responsive and hydrated
Bb/BBBordetella bronchiseptica (vaccine)
BBBBlood-brain barrier
BBTBasal body temperature
BCBlood culture
Bone condition
BCC Basal cell carcinoma
BCP Blood chemistry profile
BCSBody condition score
BEGBoutique, exotic ingredients, and grain free (diets)
BERBasal energy requirement
BGBlood glucose
BGCBlood glucose curve
BGLBlood glucose level
BID, bid, b.i.d.Bis in die (twice a day)
BIOPBeen in owner's possession
BIWTwice a week
b/lBilateral (both sides)
bl. cultBlood culture
BLSBasic life support
BMBone marrow
Bowel movement
BMbxBone marrow biopsy
BOHBucket on head
BOTBase of tail
bp, BPBlood pressure
bpmBeats or breaths per minute
BSBreath sound
Bowel sound
Blood sugar
Body secretions
BSLBlood sugar level
BTBleeding time
BUNBlood urea nitrogen
BVBacterial vaginosis
BVMSBachelor of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery
BVMBachelor of Veterinary Medicine
BW/BWTBody weight
Blood work


CCentigrade, cervical vertebrae (C1, C2 etc)
C & SCulture and sensitivity
Ca, CACalcium
CaOxCalcium oxalate
CAT/CTComputed axial tomography / Computed tomography
CAUTICatheter-associated urinary tract infection
CBACat bite abscess
CBCComplete blood count
Crushed by car
ccCubic centimetre
CCBCalcium channel blocker
CCFCongestive cardiac failure
Complicated crown fracture
CDCCenters for Disease Control and Prevention
CCLCranial cruciate ligament
CDIClostridium dLinearifficile infection
CDVCidofovir (antiviral drug)
cfIn comparison to
CFACat fight abscess
CFCCat fight cellulitis
CFTCapillary filling time
CFWCat fight wound
CGHCan go home
CHDChronic heart disease
Congenital heart defect
Congenital hip dysplasia
Coronary heart disease
CHEM-7A basic metabolic panel (blood urea nitrogen, carbon dioxide, creatinine, glucose, serum chloride, serum potassium, serum sodium)
CHFCongestive heart failure
CHOL, cholCholesterol
CHOPChemotherapy protocol: Cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine and prednisone
CLLCervical line lesion (on a cat's tooth)
CK / CPKCreatine kinase
CKDChronic kidney disease
CLCleft lip
CLPCleft lip and palate
CMICell-mediated immunity
CMPSComposite measure pain score
CNCranial nerves
CNSCentral nervous system
COCarbon monoxide
CO2Carbon dioxide
COLEyelid coloboma
COPDChronic obstructive pulmonary disease
CPCleft palate
CPRCardiopulmonary resuscitation
CRIConstant rate of infusion
CRT Capillary refill time
Clinical signs
CSDCat scratch disease
CSFCerebrospinal fluid
CVDCardiovascular disease
CVICervical vertebral instability
CVPChemotherapy protocol: Cyclophosphamide, vincristine and prednisolone
CVTCertified veterinary technician
CxClinical signs
CXRChest X-ray


DAWDispense as written
DBWDog bite wound
DCMDilated cardiomyopathy
DDDDegenerative disc disease
DDLDull, depressed, lethargic
DDxDifferential diagnosis
DhWBDiarrhea with blood
DIDiabetes insipidus
DICDisseminated intravascular coagulation
DJDDegenerative joint disease
DKADiabetic ketoacidosis
DLHDomestic longhair
DMDiabetes mellitus
DNADeoxyribonucleic acid
DNSDextrose normal saline (IV solution)
DOADead on arrival
D/ODrain out
DOIDuration of immunity
D/RDrain removal
DSDental score
DSHDomestic shorthair
DUDEDefecating, urinating, drinking and eating


E&BEuthanasia and burial
E&CEuthanasia and cremation
EAGSEmpty anal glands
EBMEvidence-based medicine
ECFExtracellular fluid
EDEvery day
EDDUEating, drinking, defecating and urinating
EDUDEating, drinking, urinating and defecating
EENTEyes, ears, nose and throat
EFAEssential fatty acid
ELFEnzyme-labeled fluorescence
ELISAEnzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
EMElectron microscopy
EODEvery other day
EOFBExtraocular foreign body
EPGEggs per gram of feces
EREmergency room
ESRDEnd-stage renal disease
EUGAExamine under general anesthetic


Filial (F1, F2 etc)
F3Feline viral rhinotracheitis calicivirus and panleukopenia (vaccine)
F4 (WA)Feline vaccination: Enteritis, Rhinotracheitis, Calicivirus, Feline Leukemia
F4 (QLD)Feline vaccination: Enteritis, Rhinotracheitis, Calicivirus, Chlamydia
F5Feline vaccination: Enteritis, Rhinotracheitis, Calicivirus, Chlamydia, Leukemia
FAFluorescent antibody
Fatty acids
FAD Flea allergy dermatitis
FATEFeline aortic thromboembolism
FBForeign body
FBCFull blood count
FBSFasting blood sugar
FCKFlat chested syndrome
FCRVPFeline viral rhinotracheitis calicivirus and panleukopenia (vaccine)
FCVFeline calicivirus
FDAFood and drug administration
FeBbFeline Bordetella bronchiseptica
FECVFeline enteric coronavirus
FeLFeline leishmaniasis
FELLCFeline lymphosarcoma-leukemia complex
FeLV Feline leukemia virus
FFPFresh frozen plasma
FHAFemoral head and neck osteotomy
FHDFeline heartworm disease
FHVFeline herpesvirus
FIAFeline infectious anemia
FICFeline idiopathic cystitis
FIPFeline infectious peritonitis
FIVFeline immunodeficiency virus
Intact female
FLUTDFeline lower urinary tract disease
FNAFine needle aspirate
FOCMAFeline oncornavirus-associated cell membrane antigen
FORL Feline odontoclastic resorptive lesion
FOSFull of stool
FRVFeline rhinotracheitis virus
Feline rotavirus
Spayed female
Fecal smear
FSVFeline sarcoma virus
FTTFailure to thrive
F/UFollow up
FUOFever of unknown origin
FUSFeline urologic syndrome
FVRCPFeline viral rhinotracheitis, calicivirus, panleukopenia (F3 vaccine)


GAGeneral anesthesia
GABAGamma-aminobutyric acid
GCGeneral condition
GCVGanciclovir (antiviral drug)
GDUGastroduodenal ulceration
GERD Gastroesophageal reflux disease
GFRGlomerular filtration rate
GHGrowth hormone
GN Glomerulonephritis
GSWGunshot wound
GU Gastric ulcer
GvHGraft vs host


H2O2Hydrogen peroxide
H & MHematemesis and melena
HBCHit by car
HBP High blood pressure
HCM Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
HDHip dysplasia
Craniofacial (head) defect
HDDSTHigh dose dexamethasone suppression test
HDLHigh density lipoprotein
HFHeart failure
HGEHemorrhagic gastroenteritis
HHHiatus hernia
HLHepatic lipase
H/LHeart and lungs
H/OHistory of
HRHeart rate
HSA Hemangiosarcoma
HSLHypertonic saline
HVSHyperviscosity syndrome
HWPHeartworm prevention
HWtestHeartworm test
HxHistory of


IBD Inflammatory bowel disease
IC Immunocompromised
Intensive care
Interstitial cystitis
Immune complex
ICAIridocorneal angle
ICFIntracellular fluid
I & DIncision and drainage
IDAIron deficiency anemia
IDDMInsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
IDSTIntradermal skin testing
IDUIdoxuridine (antiviral drug)
IFAIndirect fluorescent antibody
IFNInterferon (antiviral drug)
IgAImmunoglobulin A
IgDImmunoglobulin D
IgEImmunoglobulin E
IgGImmunoglobulin G
IGRInsect growth regulators
IHAIndirect hemagglutination
IMIIntramuscular injection
IOFBIntraocular foreign body
IOLIntraocular lens
IOPIntraocular pressure
IPPBIntermittent positive pressure breathing
ITPImmune-mediated thrombocytopenia
IUInternational unit
IVD/IVDDIntervertebral disc/disease
IVPIntravenous pyelogram, intravenous pyelography


JPPJoint protection plan
J tubeJejunostomy tube (feeding tube)


KA Ketoacidosis
KBHKicked by horse
KBrPotassium bromide
KCSKeratoconjunctivitis sicca
KOHPotassium hydroxide
KUBKidneys, ureters, and bladder (x-ray)


Lumbar vertebrae
LALeft atrium
Local anesthetic
lbPound (weight)
LBOLarge bowel obstruction
LBPLow back pain
LDLethal dose
LDDSTLow dose dexamethasone suppression test
LDLLow density lipoprotein
LELupus erythematosus
LFBLinear foreign body
LFTLiver function test
LIULens induced uveitis
LHLuteinising hormone
LNLymph node
LPELymphocytic Plasmacytic Enteritis
LRLactated Ringers
LSLeft side
LVLeft ventricle
LVTLicensed veterinary technician


MACMinimal antibiotic concentration
MACVsMember of the Australian College of Veterinary Scientists
MAEMoves all extremities
MC&SMicroscopy (gram stain), culture and sensitivity
MCAMotor car accident
MCHMean corpuscular hemoglobin
MCTMast cell tumour
MCVMean corpuscular volume
MMMucous membranes
Multiple myeloma
M/N, M(n)Neutered male
MOPPChemotherapy protocol: mechlorethamine, vincristine, procarbazine and prednisone
MPLMedial patella luxation
MPVMean platelet volume
MRMitral regurgitation
MRIMagnetic resonance imaging
mtMetatarsal bone
MTDMaximum tolerated dose
Multiple times


NaCISodium chloride (normal saline)
NADNo abnormality detected
Not actually done
NAFNo abnormal findings
NDRNot doing right
n/eNot eating
NG TubeNasal gastric tube
NINeonatal isoerythrolysis
NKANo known allergies
NMNeutered male
NPONothing by mouth
NRNo refill
nRBCNucleated red blood cells
NSNormal saline
NSAIDNon-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug
NSFNo significant findings
NSRNormal sinus rhythm
NSUNo significant change from last exam
NTENot to exceed
NTINon thyroidal illness
N/VNausea and vomiting
NVLNo visible lesions


OAOsteoarthritis (degenerative joint disease)
OCDObsessive-compulsive disorder
OCNEOff colour not eating
ODOculus dextrous (right eye)
OEOtitis externa
OIOtitis interna
OID, oidOnce a day (medicine)
OMOtitis media
ONFOronasal fistula
OPPOrganophosphate poisoning
OROperating room
Owner reports
OSOculus sinister (left eye)
OTCOver the counter
OUOculus uterque (both eyes)
OVHOvariohysterectomy (spay)
oxytetOxytetracycline (antibiotic)


PABsPre-anesthetic bloods
PAFPlatelet-activating factor
PcPost cebum (after meals)
PCFOPhone call from owner
PCRPolymerase chain reaction
PCVPacked cell volume
Primary care veterinarian
PDAPatent ductus arteriosus
PDHPituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism
PDxProvisional diagnosis
PEPhysical examination
Pectus excavatum
PEIPancreatic exocrine insufficiency
PFPlatelet factor
PKDPolycystic kidney disease
Pl EffPleural effusion
PLNPeripheral lymph nodes
PLRPupillary light reflex
POPer os (by mouth)
artial parenteral nutrition
PRAProgressive retinal atrophy
ersistent right aortic arch
PRBCPacked red blood cells
Pseudorabies virus
Prothrombin time
PTHParathyroid hormone
PTSPut to sleep
PxPhysical examination


QARQuiet, alert, responsive
qd, QDQuaque die (once a day)
QID, qidQuater in die (four times a day or every 6 hours)
qlQuantum libet (as much as desired)
QODQuaque altera die (every other day)
QOLQuality of life
qvQuantum vis (as much as you please)


RASTRadioallergosorbent test
RBCRed blood cell count
rDVMReferring veterinarian
RDWRed cell distribution width
RNARibonucleic acid
ROMRange of motion
RPERetinal pigment epithelium
RRRespiratory rate
RSATRapid slide agglutination test
RVRabies vaccine


SAPSerum alkaline phosphatase
SBASerum bile acids
sc, SCSubcutaneous
SDStandard deviation
SFSpayed female
SGSpecific gravity
SIDSemel in die (once a day)
SLESystemic lupus erythematosus
sp, sppSpecies (singular) / species (plural)
sq, SQSubcutaneous
S/RSuture removal
s/sSigns and symptoms
SSISurgical site infection
SSRISelective serotonin reuptake inhibitor


TBILTotal bilirubin
TCCTransitional cell carcinoma
TECATotal ear canal ablation
TID, t.i.d.Ter in die (three times a day)
TLCTender loving care
TLITrypsin-like immunoreactivity
TNTCToo numerous to count
TPTotal protein
TPNTotal parenteral nutrition
TPRTemperature, pulse and respiration rate
TSHThyroid-stimulating hormone
TTThrombin time
TTOTriple tibial osteotomy


UHUmbilical hernia
UOUrinary obstruction
UOPUrinary output
UPCUrine protein to creatinine ratio
URIUpper respiratory infection
UTIUrinary tract infection


VCVValacyclovir (antiviral drug)
VD, V/DVentral-dorsal
Vomiting and diarrhea
VMDVeterinary medical doctor
VPTVital pulp therapy
VTVeterinary technician


WBCWhite blood cell count
WBWestern blot (test)
WNLWithin normal limits


XIPHEverted xiphoid process





Blue Cat's PatchWork is a universal plug-ins patchbay and multi FX that can host up to 64 VST, VST3, Audio Unit or built-in plug-ins into any Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) in a single instance, with both serial and parallel routing options.

Price:(-10%) 99 EUR 89 EUR or (-10%) $99 $89 (tax incl.)
Also in Bundles: All Plugins Pack / Axe Pack / Crafters Pack Typical applications: Plug-ins host, custom channel strip, parallel processing, effects chainer, virtual bussing, virtual instrument, share bus and plug-ins configurations between DAWs, VST or Audio Unit to AAX, Audio Unit, RTAS plug-in adapter, effect chains A/B comparison, standalone audio processing application, multi effects processor.

Detailed Description

It is possible to chain effects in series or create up to 8 parallel chains that can be activated independently. This lets you create your favorite effects or instruments configurations within the plug-in, without the need for multiple busses. These configurations can be saved as presets and recalled instantly, or shared with multiple DAWs, using any plug-in format (full list below). Use the built-in audio effects to add color to your own plug-in chains.

Despite the name, you can forget about wires or cables: configuring plug-ins routing is as simple as adding or removing a row or a column in the rack's matrix. All plug-ins can also communicate with each other or with the host application using the virtual MIDI ports offered by the plug-in.

Anicon - Animal Complex - Cat's Path Mac Os Catalina

For each plug-in slot, latency compensation, presets management, undo/redo integration, audio i/o selection and individual plug-in bypass are included for optimal operation. The plug-in also stores the position of the window for each plug-in so that the layout is restored with your session or saved with presets.

Also, sub plug-ins can be automated or controlled with external control surfaces using Blue Cat's PatchWork parameters mapping capabilities.

This product is available as an audio plug-in (effect or a virtual instrument) and standalone application, so that it can used alone or inserted on any type of track in your favorite DAW, with up to 16 audio channels.

Input and output level meters are also available to monitor the signal that is dispatched to inserted plug-ins, including side chain and aux channels.

If you are looking for a multiband plug-ins host for multiband processing, check out the Blue Cat's MB-7 Mixer plug-in. Also, any Blue Cat Audio plug-in is compatible and can be hosted by this software.

Copyright Note: VST is a trademark of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH.


Main Features:

  • Configurable VST, VST3 or Audio Unit plug-ins rack: host up to 64 third party plug-ins or instruments in series or parallel.
  • 30 built-in effects: Reverb, EQ, filters, pitch & frequency shifter, delays, modulation effects, compressor, gate, bit crusher, wave shaper and more.
  • Available as an effect, virtual instrument or standalone application.
  • Build your own effects chains: up to 8 'pre' and 'post' plug-ins slots to chain plug-ins in series.
  • Parallel processing made easy: up to 8 parallel plug-ins chains, with phase flip, solo and gain controls.
  • Multicore processing support for parallel chains.
  • Host up to 8 virtual instruments in parallel and mix them within the plug-in.
  • Global Dry/Wet control ('Mix').
  • Parameters Mapping: map sub plug-ins parameters to automate them or use a control surface.
  • Flexible MIDI routing: connect sub plug-ins together or with the host application.
  • Flexible Audio routing: connect sub plug-ins i/o to any audio channel.
  • External side chain and multiple outputs support.
  • Link pre and post gains for automatic gain compensation.
  • Drag and drop or cut, copy and paste plug-ins with their settings between slots.
  • Recall complex processing setups and plug-ins layouts with one click and share them between your DAWs.
  • Input and output levels monitoring, built-in CPU meter.
  • Plug-ins Latency compensation.
  • Supports VST Shell plug-ins.
  • Integrated undo/redo.
  • Fully customizable user interface, with multiple sizes.

Blue Cat Audio Standards:

  • Available as a standalone application and in most plug-in formats for Mac and Windows.
  • Full MIDI control and automation support, MIDI Learn.
  • No CPU load on idle: processing shuts down when fed with silence (optimal CPU usage).
  • Customizable user interface with transparency & zoom.
  • Smooth Bypass: noiseless plug-in activation / deactivation.
  • Undo/Redo.
  • Full featured integrated presets manager.
  • Copy/paste the state of the plug-in between instances.
  • Any sample rate supported.



User Comments & Reviews

'Patchwork is hugely flexible - it can even run VST plugins in non-VST hosts, like Logic [.]. PatchWork works well and is worth every penny of its asking price.' - - [read review on musicradar]. Kilo and tunn mac os.

'Having had the pleasure of working with Patchwork and MB-7, I would most assuredly miss them if they were to disappear from my DAW. Enthusiastic thumbs up for both of these gems. Well done, Blue Cat. Very well done indeed!' - - [full review].

To add your own comment about this product, please contact us.

System Requirements


  • An SSE2-enabled processor (Pentium 4 or newer).
  • Microsoft Windows Vista, Windows 7, 8 or 10.
  • For the plug-in, any VST / RTAS / AAX compatible host software (32 or 64 bit).
  • For the standalone application, an ASIO, MME or WASAPI compatible audio interface (ASIO recommended).

Mac OS X

  • An Intel processor.
  • Mac OS 10.7 or newer.
  • For the plug-in, any VST / Audio Unit (32/64-bit) / RTAS / AAX compatible application.
  • For the standalone application, a Core Audio compatible audio interface.

For more information about supported platforms, see our FAQ.

Demo Limitations

Anicon - Animal Complex - Cat's Path Mac Os Version

  • 5 instances of the plug-in allowed per session.
  • The effect is bypassed for half a second every minute.

Anicon - Animal Complex - Cat's Path Mac Os 7

Versions History >subscribe to our newsletter

V2.5 (2021/04/06)

New Features & Improvements:
  • Up to 8 times more processing power with the new multicore engine that processes each parallel chain on a separate core.
  • New DSP workload meter that displays the DSP activity and CPU load.
  • Added MIDI control support (MIDI CC messages) for Next and Previous Preset commands, with MIDI learn.
  • Reduced time to load PatchWork or any built-in plug-in.
  • Multiple DSP performance improvements.
  • Improved buffer management in standalone application on Mac, reducing both latency and CPU usage.
  • Level meters are not updated anymore when the user interface is closed, reducing CPU usage.
  • Reduced the number of threads used by the plug-in.
  • Improved global and preset settings window loading time on Windows.
  • Added ability to select the plug-in to load when a shell plug-in file is dragged and dropped onto a slot.
  • Full unicode support.
  • Preset files can now be dropped onto the preset LCD area to be loaded.
  • Improved 'Tone Maps' user interface (available for 9 built-in effects).
  • Fixed standalone app not always asking for Microphone access on most recent MacOS systems.
  • Fixed host loop end value not properly passed to hosted plug-ins, for the VST2 version.
  • Fixed several crashes upon load for multiple third party plug-ins (mostly VST3).
  • Fixed display issues with Waves plug-ins V12 in Mac standalone application.
  • Fixed MIDI control for hosted plug-ins not always working when fed with silence.
  • Fixed VST3 (and sometimes VST) version freezing Ableton Live upon save on Windows.
  • Fixed harmonizer and Pitch Shifter built-in plug-ins that did not always flush their buffer upon bypass (short sounds could be heard when getting out of bypass)

Anicon - Animal Complex - Cat's Path Mac Os Pro

V2.43 (2020/10/05)

New Features & Improvements:
  • Tail spillover: activate tail spillover from the toolbar to play effects tail when bypassed (available for PatchWork itself or built-in delays and reverbs).
  • Arrow keys can now be used to navigate presets, in the main view or in the presets browser.
  • The opacity of the tone map window can now be adjusted for built-in effects.
  • Smoother presets switching.
  • Improved smooth plug-in bypass (faster and smoother transition).
  • New high resolution graphics for knobs and sliders.
  • Reduced disk footprint.
  • Fixed: the state of some VST2 plug-ins (which do not save their state as chunks) were not be restored properly if their number of parameters had been changed (e.g. FabFilter Pro-Q's latest update).
  • Fixed: several issues with hosted plug-ins bypass (graphical glitches, untriggered bypass.).
  • Mac: fixed GUI performance issues on native P3 displays and improved performance on other displays.
  • Mac: fixed mouse wheel that required large movements to change parameter values.
  • Mac: fixed mouse cursor flickering issues.
  • Mac: fixed Esc key not closing fine edit parameter dialog.
  • Mac: fixed keyboard not responding in registration panel in some host applications (LUNA, Garage Band.).
  • Mac: fixed demo version that could hang Logic when reloading projects using the plug-in.
  • Mac Audio Unit: fixed plug-in listing in some host applications (Plogue Bidule.).

V2.42 (2020/01/06)

New Features & Improvements:
  • Navigate presets and create new tones easily with 'Tone Maps' for 9 built-in effects: Chorus, Flanger, Phaser, Wah, Sweep Filter, EQ, Freq Shifter, Reverb and Waveshaper.
  • Mac application now fully supports dark mode on Mac OS Mojave and newer.
  • New presets for the built-in wah plug-in.
  • Built-in EQ: improved impulse response convolution performance (long reverb tails are now supported, with low CPU usage).
  • Mac: faster GUI rendering on recent Mac OS systems (up to 5x faster for level meters).
  • Mac: fixed user interface not properly shown on retina displays in some applications built with the 10.14 Mac OS SDK (Cubase 10.5 for example).
  • Mac: fixed settings panel rendering issues in dark mode on Mac OS Mojave and newer.
  • Fixed issue with some VST3 plug-ins that failed to initialize when loaded (Roland Cloud VST3)
  • Fixed built-in Wah plug-in that could exceed selected range in reverse mode.

V2.41 (2019/07/23)

  • Fixed an issue with hosted plug-ins editors not always restored in the right position in Cubase on Windows.
  • Changing the slope of lowpass and highpass filters in the built-in EQ is now smoother.

V2.4 (2019/06/20)

New features:
  • New presets browser with built-in search.
  • Plug-in bypass and editor buttons can now be clicked on the entire button area (not just the icon).
  • MIDI Program Change preference is now saved into session instead of global preferences, so each instance can now use different MIDI channels. It is also saved in the user default preset.
  • VST3: added program change support for VST3 plug-in format.
  • VST3: added MIDI output support for VST3 plug-in format.
Built-in plug-ins:
  • New Level (volume control) and Micro EQ built-in plug-ins.
  • Added a gain parameter to several built-in plug-ins to avoid volume changes when switched on/off (pitch and frequency shifters, modulation effects, delays).
  • Increased knobs precision for pitch shifter and waveshaper built-in plug-ins for smoother control.
Third party plug-ins host:
  • VST and VST3 plug-ins previously displayed as missing because of name changes are now relocated automatically (Waves major updates, 32 and 64-bit plug-ins with different names etc.)
  • Improved auto-relocation performance when a large number of plug-ins have moved.
  • VST3 Host: added MIDI output and program change support for recenlty updated VST3 plug-ins.
Other fixes and improvements:
  • VST: the user interface is now properly resized in Cubase on Windows.
  • Fixed dry/wet mix knob only mixing left channel in mono to stereo configurations.
  • Mac: fixed issue with Magic Mouse that could trigger drag and drop instead of mouse click.
  • Built-in EQ plug-in spectrum analyzer display will not take priority over DAW or other plug-ins user interfaces.
  • Miscellaneous user interface performance improvements.

V2.31 (2018/12/06)

  • Spectrum analysis is now performed in the background and does not affect audio performance (built-in EQ).
  • Improved convolution performance for the impulse response loader on multicore processors (built-in EQ).
  • Fixed modulation plug-ins that did not always properly set rate when used in host sync mode (sweep filter, flanger, tremolo).

V2.3 (2018/10/22)

  • Drag and drop support (see our video):
    • drag and drop plug-ins between slots.
    • hold the alt key on Mac and Ctrl key on windows to copy (duplicate) a plug-in instead of moving it.
    • drop the plug-in before another to insert it in the chain.
    • drag and drop plug-ins between several instances of PatchWork or accross plug-ins (compatible with the latest preview of Late Replies, MB-7 Mixer and Axiom).
    • drag and drop .dll, .vst, .vst3, or .component files directly from the Finder or Explorer onto plug-in slots.
    • drag and drop .plgnfo files (previously saved from the software) directly from the Finder or Explorer onto plug-in slots.
  • Built-in EQ plug-in can now load and manipulate impulse responses (IR).
  • Fixed: effect tail not processed anymore when just inserted on a track (avoids using CPU when not necessary).
  • Fixed: built-in multitap delay plug-in could get out of sync in some host applications.
  • Improved performance of the built-in EQ plug-in.
  • Improved performance when saving preset/session with many built-in plug-ins.

V2.2 (2018/09/07)

  • Added 4 new built-in plug-ins (reverb, harmonizer, wah, mute).
  • New factory presets.
  • Major presets loading improvements: hosted plug-ins are now reloaded only when changed, and updated otherwise. Improves performance and audio rendering when loading presets using the same plug-ins.
  • Faster GUI loading / instantaneous GUI display after it has been opened once.
  • Performance and memory usage improvements.
  • Fixed: changing bypass in the Audio Unit version did not update host application's bypass state.
  • Fixed: bypass buttons are now in sync with the hosted plug-ins' state.
  • Win: fixed copy/paste that sometimes stopped working until next app restart.
  • Mac: fixed crash in Ableton Live when hitting space bar while a sub plug-in window is opened

V2.11 (2017/11/27)

  • Last loaded preset is now remembered in session and displayed in the presets menu.
  • Plug-in state can now be reverted to the last loaded preset.
  • VST3: factory presets are not exposed to the host application anymore - this fixes the problem of Cubase resetting the state of the instrument version upon session reload.

V2.1 (2017/11/09)

  • Added 25 new built-in effects borrowed from from Blue Cat's Late Replies: EQ, filters, pitch & frequency shifter, delays, modulation effects, compressor, gate, bit crusher, wave shaper and more.
  • 75 New presets using built-in effects.
  • The GUI can now be zoomed from 70% to 200%.
  • New option to keep plug-ins windows always on top.
  • Default preset now also saves the state of locks (when using 'save as user default').
  • Load PatchWork into itself as a built-in effect.
  • Fixed host keyboard shortcuts lost when a sub plug-in is opened (in several host applications).
  • Fixed wrong number of channels used when hosted plug-in input set to manual and output to auto.
  • Fixed sub-plug-ins automation overwritten when using touch mode in some hosts.
  • VST2: fixed a crash in Wavelab.
  • Mac: new installer.
  • Mac: fixed minor compatibility issues with Mac OS High Sierra.
  • Windows: fixed plug-in windows not showing on displays on the left or above the main display.

V2.0 (2017/02/23)

  • Brand new GUI design, with improved usability and touchscreen support.
  • Now supports retina displays on Mac (text using high resolution).
  • Favorite plug-ins and their settings can be saved to be quickly reloaded later from a menu.
  • Unused channels for each hosted plug-in can now be muted (instead of default pass-thru).
  • Load/save native VST, VST3 or AU preset files.
  • Presets and parameters menus are now split in sub menus instead of a single list.
  • Additional user VST path to locate VST plug-ins is now available.
  • Missing VST & VST3 plug-ins are now automatically relocated.
  • Lock GUI state and in/out gains to prevent changes when loading presets.
  • Output gain is now always active, even when using a single PRE column.
  • Exclusive solo mode for parallel chains.
  • Show or hide all plug-ins editors with single click.
  • Hide plug-ins slots to minimize the plug-in.
  • Standalone application: drag and drop preset files on the application to load preset instantly on startup (and create shortcuts to launch app with a specific preset).
  • Now compatible with most recent Audio Units (Waves for example).
  • Changed demo limitations: up to 5 instances allowed, bypass time changed to half a second, and bypass parameter is not affected anymore.
  • Fully compatible with previous versions of the plug-in.
  • Dropped support for Windows XP and Mac OS X 10.6 and earlier.

V1.74 (2016/12/29)

  • Fixed MIDI channel issue with VST3: MIDI channel for note events was offset by one in the VST3 plug-in version and when hosting VST3 plug-ins.
  • Improved perfomance when loading presets.
  • Increased fine edit window width (opens when double clicking on a control).
  • VST: fixed random latency compensation issues upon project load or when loading plug-ins while not playing.
  • VST: fixed bypass issue when using reverse range in MIDI/automation settings.
  • (Mac AU) Fixed latency compensation issues in Logic, on project load, or when loading plug-ins while not playing.
  • (Mac AU) Fixed GUI display issues when changing size in Ableton Live.
  • (Windows) new graphics for Windows installer.

An infinite calm mac os. Warning: because of a bug of the initial VST3 release, this new version may not work with existing sessions that used the VST3 format. See this blog post for more details and how to fix it.

V1.73 (2016/05/10)

  • VST3 plug-ins hosting.
  • Fixed VST3 version crash in Wavelab 9.
  • Fixed issue with parameters precison in VST3 version.
  • Improved automatic I/O configuration for VST and VST3 versions.

V1.72a (2016/03/04)

  • (VST only) Fixed a crash when loading the VST version in Ableton Live.

V1.72 (2016/03/03)

  • VST3 plug-in format support, with improved external sidechain compatibility for Cubase and Nuendo.
  • Fixed a crash with some VST plug-ins using long preset names (SonicCharge Microtonic).
  • Windows: fixed a crash with some plug-ins that display a modal dialog when opened (Valhalla plug-ins).

V1.71 (2015/07/16)

  • Last loaded preset can now be saved directly from the presets menu without having to select the file.
  • VST: fixed latency compensation reporting in Cubase (no need to re-enable the plug-in to update the latency anymore).
  • AAX & RTAS: fixed feedback loop that could occur in bypass mode when the plug-in was inserted before another one.

V1.7 (2015/03/26)

New features:
  • The effect version now supports external side chain input.
  • The synth version now includes multiple output busses (up to 16 output channels).
  • The standalone application now offers up to 16 audio I/O.
  • Sub plug-ins audio i/o routing: connect the inputs and outputs of each plug-in to any channel.
  • Latency is now compensated for individual channels when a plug-in is processing only a subset of all available channels.
  • Fixed side chain input always fed with silence for some Audio Unit plug-ins.
  • Fixed issue with standalone application: displayed i/o were not reset properly when changing i/o configuration.
  • Fixed a crash with some VST plug-ins that use long preset names.
  • Fixed demo version popup window freezing Pro Tools in some situations.

V1.63 (2015/02/04)

  • GUI-less plug-ins support: a generic user interface is now provided for VST or AU plug-ins that do not include a graphical editor.
  • Presets can now be selected using MIDI Program change and bank select messages (can be activated with the presets menu/MIDI Program Change item).
  • Fixed issue with some Audio Unit instruments that did not produce any sound (IK Multimedia, Kontakt.)
  • Added log scale support for Audio Unit parameters.

V1.62 (2015/01/08)

  • New alternative light theme skin (light color scheme and lower contrast).
  • Factory and user skins can now be selected directly from the plug-in menu.
  • Added 192 kHz samplerate support to the standalone application.
  • Mac: fixed MFX Audio Unit that was not processing MIDI events properly.

V1.61 (2014/11/27)

Bug Fixes (Standalone application only - plug-ins unchanged):
  • Mac: fixed a crash when hitting the return key while changing the buffer, tempo or time signature.
  • Windows: improved audio drivers compatibility.
  • Windows: fixed a crash with some audio drivers on Windows 8, for the 64-bit application.

V1.6 (2014/11/25)

New Features:
  • Now available as a standalone application.
Fixes and compatibility improvements:
  • Improved presets and session load/save performance (up to 4 times faster in some situations).
  • Fixed issue with Izotope Audio Units that were configured as mono effects on stereo tracks.
  • Fixed crashes during auto save with Kontakt 5 in Pro Tools 11.

V1.5 (2014/10/20)

New Features:
  • The Audio Unit can now be loaded as a MIDI FX in Logic Pro X.
  • MIDI FX Audio Units can now be loaded into the plug-in.
  • Missing VST plug-ins can now be relocated if not found.
  • The plug-in now saves missing plug-ins' state so that they can be restored later.
Fixes and compatibility improvements:
  • Fixed issue on Mac when loading sessions created on Windows using VST plug-ins in sub-directories.
  • Fixing compatibility issues with several plug-ins that used to crash when unloaded (Image Line, MeldaProduction, Catanya.).
  • VST Plug-in name is now displayed when loaded from a missing VST shell bundle (instead of just the name of the bundle).
  • (Mac) Fixed randrom crashes when using keyboard shortcuts in the host application to switch between plug-ins or tracks.
  • (Mac) Fixed parameters not available for mapping when Audio Unit bridged with SoundRadix's 32Lives.
  • (Mac) Fixed parameters mapped with wrong range for some Audio Units (u-he, AAS.).
  • (Mac) Fixed parameter changes sent from host not visible in the user interface for some Audio Units (u-he.).

V1.4 (2014/07/24)

New Features:
  • Selectable parallel processing chains summing mode: sum or average.
  • Solo button for parallel chains.
  • MIDI Channel filtering for each plug-in input.
Fixes and compatibility improvements:
  • Fixed undo/redo incompatibilities with some plug-ins.
  • (Mac) Fixed crash introduced in 1.3 when trying to load missing VST plug-ins.
  • (Mac) Fixed wrong plug-in instantiated in some cases when selected from a VST shell package.
  • (Mac) Fixed crash after closing the editor of an Audio Unit plug-in loaded with SoundRadix's 32Lives.

V1.3 (2014/06/17)

New Features:
  • Audio Unit hosting support: Audio Units can now be loaded into the plug-in on Mac.
  • Plug-ins can now be cut from a slot for cut/paste operations.
  • Plug-ins can now be pasted into a slot with their params map.
  • User interface loading or resizing is now up to 50% faster.
  • Reduced the size of windows installers.
  • Minor layout changes.
Fixes and compatibility improvements:
  • Fixed undo/redo incompatibilities with some plug-ins.
  • (Mac) Fixed random crashes when unloading some plug-ins on Mac (Waves plug-ins for example).
  • (Win/AAX) Fixed shortcut to user manual in start menu.
  • (AAX) Fixed inaccurate transport information reported to sub plug-ins when stopping playback in Pro Tools.

V1.2 (2014/04/23)

New Features:
  • MIDI Routing: custom MIDI routes can be created to connect plug-ins together and with the host application to send and receive MIDI.
  • Plug-in instance Renaming: it is now possible to give a name to each instance of a plug-in.
  • Mono to stereo processing: the plug-in can now be used as a mono to stereo plug-in and process mono tracks with stereo effects in hosts that support it.
  • Improved performance of undo tracking when loading presets for plug-ins with many parameters.
  • The 'Parameters Map' menu item is now checked when a parameter is mapped.
  • Improved performance when changing the size of the plug-in user interface.
Fixes and compatibility improvements:
  • Fixed keyboard stealing issue in many host applications when sub plug-ins editors are opened (except 32-bit applications on Mac).
  • Fixed compatibility issue with Pro Tools 9 on Mac (random crashes).
  • Fixing crashes with some plug-ins requesting information while being opened.

V1.1 (2013/12/18)

New Features:
  • New parameters mapping feature for sub plug-ins automation (includes a 'learn' mode for easy mapping): Up to 40 parameters can be mapped to external controls. Our plug-in's advanced automation and MIDI control features can also be used to map controllers to sub-plug-ins parameters.
  • New layout to display mapped automation controls in the main user interface.
  • Added phase flip buttons for each parallel chain, so that you can easily compute differences between signals or correct phase problems introduced by some plug-ins.
  • Link all pre and post gain knobs so that pre gain changes are automatically compensated by the post gain knobs. This can be used to easily push dynamics or distortion plug-ins without increasing the volume.
Fixes and compatibility improvements:
  • when no plug-in is inserted, level meters remained frozen when stopping transport.
  • fixing crashes with GRM Tools plug-ins that changed their audio I/O count dynamically ('Reson' for example).
  • fixing sample rate initialization issue with Nebula when using copy/paste.
  • The plug-in can now be used as a virtual instrument in Cubase and Studio One (it used to be silent).
  • Some plug-ins that required the deprecated 'effIdle' VST message should now work properly (Steinberg's Virtual Guitarist for example).

V1.01 (2013/11/22)

Fixes and compatibility improvements:
  • Improved compatibility with plug-ins that do not support sample rate changes (Nebula).
  • Improved compatibility with synths that internally use VST presets banks: the entire state was not properly restored with the session (Nexus or Korg Legacy series).
  • Fixed output gain compensation issue: when using parallel chains, the global output gain stage was skipped.

V1.0 (2013/11/12)

First release.

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